Saturday, October 23, 2010

Week 17 update

So this is supposedly when I should have maximum results. The pictures for this week don't flatter my lashes quite like the last update's did... it was a different angle, but the lashes are even longer (and I have more of them) than in the previous post. Here's a short update, but soon I will go all out and take lots of pics with good angles, so you can see. I'll also post before/after pics.

After 16 weeks (curled, with mascara, and penciled brows):

1 comment:

Sirene16 said...

Hi!! I just bought Careprost! I was browsing on the internet to read more about the product and came across your blog! geez! your lashes have grown so much! I cant wait till i get my bottle! btw, i JUST made this blog acct so dont freak about a wierd person fallowing you on here. Id like to see more postings on your lashes and the results! thanks!!
